So today on MATHSPEDIA we shall discuss some elementry Formulae to find the Area and perimeter of 5 shapes

After the lesson if there is a part you don't understand feel free to comment

Fig 1.

So let's start
1a. Area of a square = L×L= L square
Where L= Length
This is so because a square has all it's sides and angles equal

1b. Perimeter of a square = L+L+L+L

Fig 2.

2a. Area of a rectangle= L×B(L=length,B= breadth)

2b. Perimeter of a rectangle= L+L+B+B

3a. Area of a right angled triangle= 1/2×b×h (b=base, h=height)

3b. Perimeter of a triangle= Sides a+b+c

Fig 3.

4. The area and circumference of a circle will be shown below👇:

Fig 4.
This image above👆 explains the circumference of a circle 

Fig 5.

The image above👆 shows the area and circumference of a circle.

Fig 6.

The image above👆explains everything we've done so far 

And the final one for the day
We'll look at the 

5. Area of a trapezium
Area of a trapezium= 1/2 (a+b)h
Where a and b are the opposite parallel sides and h = height

Fig 7.
That's all for the day
Join us next time for more shapes
  Thank you
   Have a nice day

By Emehelu Kenechukwu.


  1. Nice one bro......the mathematics guru of our generation

  2. Y will I be surprised💁

  3. Nice one Sir.
    In the circumference of a circle, the diameter =2× radius, is the 2 constant?

    1. The radius is half of the diameter
      Which is R = 1/2D
      SO when you make D subject of the formula by multiplying both sides by the inverse of 1/2 which is 2
      You'll get
      2×R = 1/2×2×D
      :. 2R= D
      Which is the same as D=2R

    2. Okay, thanks for the clarification Sir.

  4. I'm confident that with this kind of initiative that mathematics will be taken to another height. You're doing well bro. Keep on keeping on!

  5. Dis one off me bro can't stop supporting ya 💖


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